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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Hi!! L O N G time no write...

First post of 2019... I will try, try, TRY, to post here more often.

I hope all of you are doing well and are continuing on your neeelework journey's.

Since I last posted, I have started a new ETSY shop HandmaidenDesignsUSA. I hope you will visit my shop often as I get my new projects finished and uploaded in the shop.

Website News!! It is up and running after almost a year and a half but in reality, the finished look isn't there yet so I ask for your patience and keep looking for me there. The important thing to know is ALL of my contact information is there as well and it's the best place to find that information.

I also started a line of what I call 'Woolery', which is my line of over-dyed wool. I am enjoying learning the process and some of my colors are GORGEOUS if I do say so myself ;-)
I will be uploading pictures of my wool probably in May. I'm still deciding which colors will be in my final palette.

I've missed you all-- it's been lonely in nowhere land. HapPy to be back!!

debra <3

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Improvements are on the way!

We're working hard behind the scenes to update Handmaiden Designs!
Please contact Debra if you have any questions.